Friday, October 5, 2012

Where Your Money Is Really Going: The Trillion-Dollar Conspiracy and how banks run this world

Time for a history lesson...

The idea of banking has been around for quite some time. Originally, when gold was the currency, the people who own vaults became bankers by default. Imagine carrying around pounds and pounds of gold just to go to the market, doesn't sound very convenient does it? So instead of carrying gold, people would deposit it into these vaults, and the goldsmith would issue out tenders of how much gold this person had in the vault, thus creating a money tender backed by gold, or paper money.

So now that people are walking around with paper money, backed by this gold stored in a vault, the goldsmith's decided it was time to make some profit.  With all this gold, the idea of lending money to people was created, along with charging interest.  These new bankers were lending out money that they were holding on to for other people, and making a profit off of other's gold.  Still with me??

Now let's fast-forward a couple hundred years...

The idea of banking is now established, and with it lending and charging interest, fractionalized banking is created.  In today's world, banks still do this type of business, except there is one major problem; this money is no longer backed by gold.

Here's where things start getting fishy....

In the early 1900's, the big bankers in the U.S., the Rockafeller's, the Morgan's, the Ford's, all these powerful families pushed for the idea of a central bank to be created to fund our country.  After years and years of opposing the idea of centralized banking (Alexander Hamilton vs Thomas Jefferson), these powerful companies finally slipped one past congress on Christmas-Eve, after most of congress had already been dismissed for the holiday.

And that is how our Federal Reserve was created...

(...and if you don't see conspiracy yet, allow me a few more lines)

This banking system is the main system in charge of printing and lending out money to our country.  Essentially, the Federal Reserve controls our own economy and not only how much money is available to the people of the United States, but also how much this money is worth.

Because this Federal Reserve Bank is allowed to print it's own money (remember, each dollar says "Federal Reserve Tender"), it controls the money of the nation.  So if this is the case, this bank should be property of the United States as well, right?


This bank is owned by none other than those same families that help establish the United States central bank, The Federal Reserve.

Now, lets apply the history lesson earlier into how the Federal Reserve System works.  If this bank holds the nation's gold, and prints out tenders of this gold, why is it charging us interest to receive these "Federal Reserve tender's?" Because they absolutely are....

Not only that, but remember, The Federal Reserve is also incharge of how many of these tenders are distributed and how much value these tenders have (see, inflation).

Still don't smell conspiracy..... well, lets put it this way then....

The Federal Reserve is directly responsible for the way our economy is either prospering, or failing.  It controls the nation's money.  The Great Depression, stock market crashes, inflation, poverty, banks failing, home defaults, and national debt are all related to our status as an economy.  Am I saying these bankers are responsible for the Great Depression and poverty? That answer will always be 'Yes.'

Control money, and essentially you control the world.  Because of the power of money, having influence over money is a step towards dominating the people that use that money.... and a step closer to ruling the world.

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