Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Walking Dead Conspiracy Pt. 1: Infecting the public and the dark history behind Operation Paperclip.

In the early years of WW2, Nazi scientist began experimenting with rocketry, along with viruses and bacterias on concentration camp prisoners, leading them to discover the power of biological warfare. But soon after Hitler's Germany fell, the experimenting stopped.


The United States government decided to bring these German scientist into the country and continue funding research, dubbing this import of war criminals Operation Paperclip.

Their thought was if they didn't do this, their enemies would...

And so these scientist would eventually help create the NASA program and perfect aeronautics, as well as discover the great gift of vaccines through their microbiology experimenting.

But along with this experimenting, biological warfare would also be perfected.

The idea of rendering your opponent ill and ripe to conquer would lead many of these ex-Nazi scientist to discover new and deadly diseases.

One of their main experiments focused on disguising bacteria within the body, and slowly leading to death. Even though the polio vaccine helped nearly eradicate the virus, experimenting with such agents that breakdown and kill infected victims became an invested interest.

Population control...

Vaccines became the easy way to distribute such illnesses to masses of people, because, why would anyone question such an instrument that helped defeat polio...

Disguising bacteria that creates ill effects in vaccines isn't a far-fetched fantasy, especially if you desire to control the population.

Creating a population that is infected with a disease that could kill many people once something activates the illness would definitely be on the agenda of these people if they had that same research and developments that former Nazi scientists worked on.

As much as people want to believe that vaccines help cure different virus and illnesses, the fact of the matter is that these injections have become somewhat mandatory.  With the high number of vaccinations required this day in age, the idea of creating the "walking dead" becomes a conspiracy because of the results that vaccinations have created.

The public began to question vaccines after an article raised concerns with the high number of cases of children with autism.  The CDC lists what different vaccines can have as side-effects but the research is still regarded as inconclusive that vaccines don't cause diseases such as autism.

And creating a vaccinated population only leads the efforts of population control when different diseases can be injected and created in your system with a vaccination.

Scientist try to look for links between vaccines and different diseases, but if these ex-Nazi scientist learned how to disguise bacteria and diseases and include them into vaccinations, creating the "walking dead" wouldn't be that difficult.

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