Sunday, November 4, 2012

Movies 4 Your Mind: JFK

Before we dive into the topic of topic's regarding conspiracy theory, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, let me suggest to you a movie that does a nice job of dissecting the different pieces of evidence and information that show the complexity of this event and how it leads to conspiracy theories. With an all-star cast including Kevin Costner, Joe Pescci, Walter Matheiu, and Gary Oldman, this film has been regarded as one of the better illustrations of investigation of this infamous assassination. Enjoy the trailer.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Walking Dead Conspiracy Pt. 2: How the government creates zombies

If you're a fan of the show The Walking Dead, you already know how everyone is infected, and becoming a zombie is inevitable. Obviously it's an ingeniuos idea that lets the plot of the TV series conspire a trajectory of framework as to how the public is infected.  But is it really an geniune idea that the writers came up with, or are they revealing what they feel is conspiracy.

I've discussed the idea of infecting the public through vaccination, and public infections have been shown through the Gulf War Syndrome, along with reports of current vaccinations causing deadly side-effects, the public's view regarding vaccines questions the current state of mandatory vaccinations.  But the marketing behind the vaccines pushes the public perception of absolute need for a cure.

Is there a conspiracy to infect the public? We already know how vaccines have become mandatory for children to enroll in school.  Newborns have a schedule for which they recieve their vaccinations.  If other vaccines that aren't required such as Gardasil bring up many questions regarding the development of issues, Operation Paperclip could have discovered the key to making the public a ticking time bomb.

The Walking Dead...

Researchers believe that population control is the desire behind infecting the population, and the marketing behind this infection is evident with the rampant running of commercials pushing for the need to be vaccinated.

But vaccination isn't the only way to create a zombie...

A zombie is a soul-less corpse that comes back to life, feeding on the living.  The way the goverment creates zombies is not just through infection by vaccination, but also actually controlling the public and their tools of survival.

Controlling the money of the population is another way to create zombies with unrepayable debt, emersing the population into a soul-less dependency to paying it off.

The ultimate goal is controlling the population, and by exploiting many paths, this group of controlling elites excercises their ideas in many fashions, even political.

As we will soon explore, a conspiracy to control the population is much deeper and more complex.  But it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory if it wasn't.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Movies 4 Your Mind: The Avengers (1998)

If you're looking for the superhero action movie being intertwined with conspiracy, you'll be disappointed after checking this movie out. But to show your that I'm not the only one talking about controlling the weather, The Avengers (1998) shows us that this conspiracy isn't too far-fetched. Starring Uma Thurman, Ralph Fiennes, and Sean Connery, this film begins to depict how controlling such a powerful force as nature and the weather can be a tool for evil. Enjoy.

Monday, October 22, 2012

A Long Lost Conspiracy: Theories behind the Bermuda Triangle

As a child, stories behind the mysterious disappearance of air crafts and ships in a region of ocean referred as the Bermuda Triangle always intrigued me.  The inexplicable nature of disappearances have led many to wonder what happened to all the missing pilots and vehicles.

Many people believe that there are supernatural powers behind these debacles (I as a child was one of them), but if you don't believe in such powers, the skepticism leads you to many questions.

Is there a conspiracy behind the Bermuda Triangle?

Throwing out aliens and anomalies, many conspiracy theorists feel that this could be experimenting with magnetic fields.  Many travelers of this area have noted errors in compass tracking throwing off travel paths, which could account for disappearance of airplanes as getting lost and sunk by these magnetic forces.

But what evidence is behind this magnetic force and the disappearances?

Nikola Tesla was an innovator of his time, specializing in magnets and high frequency energies in the 1900s.  His life's work has led to many useful inventions, some that have been withheld from the public, such as HAARP.

HAARP is a High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program that researches the effect of energy transmissions into the atmosphere, and learning how to control the weather.

The HAARP is a military based research project, and being developed under this department of research, one can only assume it's intent is to control the weather as a weapon.

The patent for this invention reads...
Thus, this invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth's atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art, particularly by detonation of nuclear devices of various yields at various altitudes.
And many recent natural disasters that have devastated regions of the world have pointed towards this project as the culprit behind these catastrophes, such as the earthquake in Haiti, Hurricane Katrina, the tsunami that hit Japan, and even the recent super storm Hurricane Sandy.

The rational behind these disasters is that nature and global warming are causing these types of disasters to occur.  But the simple fact that HAARP exists brings many conspiracy theorists to call into question the convenience of blaming mother nature.

The Bermuda Triangle and it's lore has been around since the time of Tesla and his research.  Could it be that governments have experimented with such research since the early 1900s?

Obviously any research project is going to need experimenting, blaming compass malfunctions and mysterious disappearances on a mythical region known as the Bermuda Triangle was the convenient solution.  Using nature as the scape-goat is just more imaginative convenience.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Movies 4 Your Mind: Contagion

In regards to vaccines and deadly viruses, this film Contagion staring Matt Damon, completely feeds to the conspiracy theorist that believe in manufactured infections of the public for population control.  This movie depicts the outbreak of a deadly virus, pushing humanity to the brink of extinction until a vaccine is created.  The issues that this movie illustrates not only involves how survival becomes key in such an environment, but also the way that upper echelons of society leave the lower rungs to fend for themselves as the distribution of vaccines priorities have invested interests.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Walking Dead Conspiracy Pt. 1: Infecting the public and the dark history behind Operation Paperclip.

In the early years of WW2, Nazi scientist began experimenting with rocketry, along with viruses and bacterias on concentration camp prisoners, leading them to discover the power of biological warfare. But soon after Hitler's Germany fell, the experimenting stopped.


The United States government decided to bring these German scientist into the country and continue funding research, dubbing this import of war criminals Operation Paperclip.

Their thought was if they didn't do this, their enemies would...

And so these scientist would eventually help create the NASA program and perfect aeronautics, as well as discover the great gift of vaccines through their microbiology experimenting.

But along with this experimenting, biological warfare would also be perfected.

The idea of rendering your opponent ill and ripe to conquer would lead many of these ex-Nazi scientist to discover new and deadly diseases.

One of their main experiments focused on disguising bacteria within the body, and slowly leading to death. Even though the polio vaccine helped nearly eradicate the virus, experimenting with such agents that breakdown and kill infected victims became an invested interest.

Population control...

Vaccines became the easy way to distribute such illnesses to masses of people, because, why would anyone question such an instrument that helped defeat polio...

Disguising bacteria that creates ill effects in vaccines isn't a far-fetched fantasy, especially if you desire to control the population.

Creating a population that is infected with a disease that could kill many people once something activates the illness would definitely be on the agenda of these people if they had that same research and developments that former Nazi scientists worked on.

As much as people want to believe that vaccines help cure different virus and illnesses, the fact of the matter is that these injections have become somewhat mandatory.  With the high number of vaccinations required this day in age, the idea of creating the "walking dead" becomes a conspiracy because of the results that vaccinations have created.

The public began to question vaccines after an article raised concerns with the high number of cases of children with autism.  The CDC lists what different vaccines can have as side-effects but the research is still regarded as inconclusive that vaccines don't cause diseases such as autism.

And creating a vaccinated population only leads the efforts of population control when different diseases can be injected and created in your system with a vaccination.

Scientist try to look for links between vaccines and different diseases, but if these ex-Nazi scientist learned how to disguise bacteria and diseases and include them into vaccinations, creating the "walking dead" wouldn't be that difficult.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Movies 4 Your Mind: The Adjustment Bureau

Since we are moving into the topic of a group of elites having an intent to control the world, lets look at a movie that touches on these ideas.  This film involves involves the world of politics, and with a major election coming up, we seek to look at the intent of each candidates campaign.  But what this movie infers to is, not only who is running the campaign, but the overall intent of controlling the path in which this person takes to get into office.  Are these candidates hand-picked by this elite group of people that intend to take over the world? This movie dives into such a conspiracy, and depicts how far a person with the right amount of power would go, in order to have a controlling stake in global domination.  Enjoy the trailer.

Adjustment Bureau Movie Trailer