Friday, October 26, 2012

The Walking Dead Conspiracy Pt. 2: How the government creates zombies

If you're a fan of the show The Walking Dead, you already know how everyone is infected, and becoming a zombie is inevitable. Obviously it's an ingeniuos idea that lets the plot of the TV series conspire a trajectory of framework as to how the public is infected.  But is it really an geniune idea that the writers came up with, or are they revealing what they feel is conspiracy.

I've discussed the idea of infecting the public through vaccination, and public infections have been shown through the Gulf War Syndrome, along with reports of current vaccinations causing deadly side-effects, the public's view regarding vaccines questions the current state of mandatory vaccinations.  But the marketing behind the vaccines pushes the public perception of absolute need for a cure.

Is there a conspiracy to infect the public? We already know how vaccines have become mandatory for children to enroll in school.  Newborns have a schedule for which they recieve their vaccinations.  If other vaccines that aren't required such as Gardasil bring up many questions regarding the development of issues, Operation Paperclip could have discovered the key to making the public a ticking time bomb.

The Walking Dead...

Researchers believe that population control is the desire behind infecting the population, and the marketing behind this infection is evident with the rampant running of commercials pushing for the need to be vaccinated.

But vaccination isn't the only way to create a zombie...

A zombie is a soul-less corpse that comes back to life, feeding on the living.  The way the goverment creates zombies is not just through infection by vaccination, but also actually controlling the public and their tools of survival.

Controlling the money of the population is another way to create zombies with unrepayable debt, emersing the population into a soul-less dependency to paying it off.

The ultimate goal is controlling the population, and by exploiting many paths, this group of controlling elites excercises their ideas in many fashions, even political.

As we will soon explore, a conspiracy to control the population is much deeper and more complex.  But it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory if it wasn't.

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